Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thinking too much makes you look stupid. *copied from internet.

Stop thinking. Simply tell yourself to stop thinking until you stop.

You clutter your mind with self conscious, negative ****. You judge others immediately; you assume they don't or won't like you. It's all you can think of and everything going on around you takes a back seat. You miss out on life.

Stop caring. You give a **** too much. Who cares what you or other people do? As long as it isn't hurting anyone. Silly or stupid, they are both perfectly acceptable ways to act. People may judge you, but you don't need their approval. I've met people who don't care at all what people think of them, and although I judged them at first, I later grew to admire them. People who are not ashamed of themselves make you feel better about yourself.

copied by zoey.

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